Monday, July 28, 2008

Percentages, Statistics and all that other stuff

In classic Jenn fashion, I find myself searching the web...nay, scouring the web for information regarding autism....I swear, I totally understand what Jenny McCarthy was talking about when she mentioned her Degree from Google University. I was reading about autism...again...and this time I came across some pretty disturbing statistics that I would like to share with you.

The Centers for Disease Control now estimates that 1 in 150 children are on the spectrum, which means every 20 minutes a child is diagnosed with autism!! It appears that since the 80's the number of people afflicted with this condition has increased by, for the medical community to not deem autism and disorders on the spectrum as an epidemic is beyond me.

The divorce rate amongst couples that parent a child with autism is a stiffeling 86%!!! I am very pleased to say that we are among the small majority that DO NOT fall into that category, and will not...we have a strong family foundation, and we know that God would not give us more than we can handle, though times we are definitely tested, that is for sure.

According to the Department of Education annual reports to the US Congress, autism cases in children aged 6-21 in US schools increase yearly by approximately 25%

Total chance of recovery from autism is less than 40%. Specialist and Doctors do say that children that are diagnosed early do have a stronger chance for "recovery" and repairing damage and delay that is already taking place. The most unfortunate thing is that less than 10 percent of the diagnosed children are recommended for therapy, and only 3%-4% actually do receive treatment...isn't that sickening?? Drug therapy, Physical therapy for atheletes that get hurt in their "field" of expertise are an everyday occurance...millions of dollars in healthcare are going freely to these people to get better...and yet parents with children that have autism are left clawing their way through the health care system to get put on a sometimes YEAR LONG waiting list JUST to be evaluated for the possibility of recieving therapies. Being on this end, I can tell you, it is maddening.

I am still baffled that the medical community and our government is not more motivated to get to the route of this disorder. I find the quiet demeanor of our health system to be deafening and it puts me at a loss. I don't trust my doctors. I find it even harder to trust the government...I sound like a freaking conspiracy theorist. Judge for yourself..if you want to read some interesting statistics and papers from government officials, CDC, healthcare profs. look here. Thanks for listening..I will step down from my soapbox now.

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